Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Poem: Work - Twenty-Eight of 30 #NaPoWriMo

My home for the day
Decorated so brightly
A good cup of tea

Poem & Photo (c) 28 April 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Poem: Angel Eyes - Twenty-Seven of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Ah, angel eyes, such gentle ones
Who come into our lives
With tender purrs, yes, heaven's songs

And love-light in their eyes
Oh little child, do you yet know
The gift this being brings?
Soft caresses round bare feet
The plaintive meows she sings
Make this Lil angel your best friend
No other is so sweet
When she curls up by your side
Oh, what a special treat!

Poem & Photo (c) 27 April 2015
Great-Niece Iris and Kitty

Poem: Peace - Twenty-Six of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Peace is at the door
If only we opened our hearts
And let Her enter

Poem & Photo (c) 26 April 2015

Peace is a sweet dog friend of my friend Rev. Rosemary Anderson

Poem: Demon - Twenty-Five of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Devils, they say, do not appear
In their own guise, but as innocence,
Beauty, or cuteness ready for cuddles

Small boys named Damien, clowns
With balloons, or puppies revealed
Only by a certain gleam in their eyes
Do not trust the pitiful whimpers of
Such bundles of fur, these tiny
Tremulous Tribbles, these terrifying
Terriers; be not led astray by the
Tales of tails wagging, and the
D.O.G. being G.O.D.
It's a trick, a flimflam, a con
Beware! Watch out for the shedding
Of hair and the beggins for pettins
And devils daring you to walk away
Without watching them dance
On tiny paws for bacon
It's easy to be taken in

Poem & Photo (c) 25 April 2015

Poem: Rainbows - Twenty-Four of 30 #NaPoWriMo

In the desert, rain is an enigma;
Gift and curse, sky-dropped
Refreshment, swirling

Floods flash unexpected
In the safety of the cactus,
Bird huddles, thorn avoided
Rainbows pierce the early
Morning sunrise

Poem & Photo (c) 24 April 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

Poem: Belonging - Twenty Three of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Look skyward, friend
Let the soul that is you
Float free upon the breeze

Become one with the sky
With the Spirit that Is
All That Is; let it be blue
Or alabaster, floating mist,
Tears unshed for Souls
Not yet departed, clouds
Precipitating dreams, or
Simply sky, atmosphere
Beyond borders, fences
Useless, for where souls
Soar, none are uninvited

Poem & Photo (c) 23 April 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Poem: Earthday Twenty-Two of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Bird flits to ground, industriously foraging
For bits of thread and broken branches
Anything to fill the holes, to make a home

In this seemingly inhospitable place
Yet the arms of this ancient cactus hold
The nests of a dozen years, protecting
The offspring of a dozen doves, nay,
A dozen more, for even as this one flits about
Others sit atop eggs laid a day ago, a
Week ago; this succulent apartment plays
Host to many, warding off threats of
Neighbor cats; no feline dare climb its
Thorny heights, nor canine follow
Each year a new branch, each spring
New blossoms; this habitat a natural
Barrier to winds and unwelcome sounds
Of human life - this weathered wall
A fence that makes good neighbors
The bird flits back, one last bit
Before she settles in, her world
Her own creation

Poem & Photo (c) 22 April 2015

Poem: Pain - Twenty-One of 30 #NaPoWriMo

In the midst of pain,
We find a dark connection;
This too has meaning

Poem & Photo (c) 21 April 2015
Dedicated to my friends who deal with chronic pain.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Poem: Trees - Twenty of 30 #NaPoWriMo


To what heights might we climb

What dreams might we attain
If we but realize the Truth
We seek, yet when we find, reject
We climb, but when we reach, slip
Teachers go before us, show the Way
Though they walked ascetic, ask only
That we live and love and give
Yet here we stand, looking up, and
They who once walked barefoot
Stand upon pedestals built by those
To whom they handed branches -
Palm or bodhi; fig or mustard
We take, be it wine or bread
Or bowl of rice, and still
We do not understand

(c) 20 April 2015

Poem: Bee - Nineteen of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Sunday afternoon
This little bee buzzing near
I relish the day

(c) 19 April 2015

Poem: Flicker - Eighteen of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Watch the flickering candle
Notice the empty space
Betwixt wick and flame

The space where God
Whispers secrets
We cannot hear, Words
That speak only to our hearts
God is neither wick nor flame
But is the Heat that melts
All who seek the Light
Do you think you know yourself?
In the heat of the Living Light
True colors are revealed,
Inevitable rainbows, for none
Can remain the same, untouched
Once the Light has caste
Its Glorious Light of Love
And whispered Truth
From within the space
Betwixt wick and flame

(c) 18 April 2015

Poem: Egg - Seventeen of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Fallen from above
Winged creature not yet born
Angels care for you

(c) 17 April 2015

Poem: Gate - Sixteen of 30 #NaPoWriMo

Behind the thin gate
Shadows play against the wall
Hiding secret sins

Photo and Poem (c) 16 April 2015

Poem: Empty - Fifteen of 30 #NaPoWriMo

There is one boy left
This house that was once so full
Misses the two girls

(c) 15 April 2015

Poem: Gnome-adic Senryu Fourteen of 30 #NaPoWriMo

When the gnome was young
He left for greener grasses
He loved gardening

Poem & Photo (c) 14 April 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Poem: Childish Games - Thirteen of 30 NaPoWriMo

Touch not the faded flower;
Her tender petals waiver,
Bruised by breezes once
Weathered without circumstance
Now withered edges curl, burned
In sunshine, no longer her delight
Leaves lacking moisture, once
Plump face has lost her luster
She stands; without a friend,
Holds dearly to the garden path
Singing while each falls:

"He loves me; he loves me not

(c) 13 April 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Poem: Resurrection - Twelve of 30 NaPoWriMo

Heat of a thousand suns
Seared through that body, wracked
With pain, holes ripped at wrists and feet
Flesh flayed and final spearhead entry wound
Cleansed by blood and water, the only
Compassionate moment, a gift rarely given
For those who hung, row upon row,
Cross next to bloody cross, daring those
Who challenged Pax Romana
Underground against that deadly peace
Now stood this Man, dead three days, and
Looking new, bright illumination, Mysterious
Stranger, walking now with His friends, unrecognized
Until. Until He spoke a word, turned a phrase,
Revealed Himself only to disappear and reappear
In the center of a locked room among his brothers
Teaching them secrets they had not understood
Secrets we cannot understand
Singularity standing on the edge
Event Horizon, returned from the black hole
Of death, Supernova, Superstar
Rip in the fabric of Time

Rising bread
Living water`
New wineskin

Old story
New song

Roses blossom
Crows rise in flight
Sparrows congregate
Lilies of the field adorned

Lay down the Blade
Lift the Chalice
The bread, still hot from
The heat of a thousand suns
Feeds millions

May you never hunger
May you never thirst

(c) 12 April 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Poem: Ten of 30 NaPoWriMo

Good things make life delightful
Stoic, not so sure

(c) 10 April 2015

*Published out of turn...

Poem: Wisdom Rising - Eleven of 30 NaPoWriMo

The sun at my back
And I, wandering Westward
Wonder when wisdom
Will reveal its Way
Will it be today?
Or will it simply unfold
Like a blossom,
Opening gently while
My soul sleeps
To surprise me with
Its delicate beauty
As I once again wake
And walk softly with
The kiss of the Eastern sun
Rising warm upon my back

(c) 11 April 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Poem: Nine of 30 - NaPoWriMo

Without the lilies
Would not the fields be empty?
Would sparrows land there?

(c) 9 April 2015

Poem: Eight of 30 - NaPoWriMo

Hail the Folk in the Summerland
You've gained a fine man now
We raise the horn to bless his name
In memory we bow
For he is now with his great love
Our honored sister/friend
With open arms she must have stood
With a love that could not end
Together now are our dear friends
Though our earthly hearts are broken
We raise the horn in memory
As loving words are spoken
Bronwynn​ sister, Dan​ our brother
Teachers, guiding lights
Your names shall dance upon our tongues
On star filled full moon nights
Hail the Folk in the Summerland
And Hail the Folk right here
We join in saddened reverie
For those we hold so dear

(c) 8 April 2015

Poem: Meteorite Life - Seven of 30 - NaPoWriMo

This momentary life
A flash of light falling
through the Universe
Star bright enough
To wish on, dreams
Pure enough to call
One's own, this life
A pebble in the River
Of Being, tossed
About by currents
Unexpected, tumbled
Smooth, so smooth
That by the end
This star turned stone
Will wash upon the Delta
Sands like glass
To hold up to the sun,
Casting rainbows upon
This momentary life

(c) 7 April 2015

Poem: Six of 30 - NaPoWriMo

Reading an old book
Living in a fantasy
Sometimes dreamers dream

(c) 6 April 2015

Poem: Easter - Five of 30 - NaPoWriMo


This day a new resurrection
Walking the road with new eyes
Strangers beside become friends, and
Old friends begin to understand
Listening to words they've heard before
They hear a new message, one you've spoken
To them again and again, yet they
Could not understand until they saw you
Unfettered by the boundaries of humanity
Speaking to them after the grave, telling
Them that they too could do this thing
If they but heard your message, understood
Lived in love and trust even unto death
The bread of his teachings,
The blood of his community,
The hope of a new morning sunrise
Here it is:  awaken to love, to give, to care,
To heal, to touch the untouchable
Live each day looking for a chance to
Be like him, and after the death of sleep
Wake up and do it again

(c) 5 April 2015

Poem: Poetry - Four of 30 - NaPoWriMo

There is no better poetry
Than a good cup of tea
The warm light of
A night lamp, puppies
Curled at the foot
Of the bed and the soft
Sound of the beloved
Asleep by my side

(c) 4 April 2015

Poem: Sleep - Third of 30 - NaPoWriMo

Sleep is a temporary life,
unsolved mystery
None understand the ways
of alternative living
Few recall the name of loved
ones passing through
New lives unbecoming
without colorful garb
Of awakened imaginings,
expectant angels in lonely heavens
Quietly awaiting the drop of a pin,
thousands dancing
To the music of another's dreams,
music of another time
The flutter of eyelids,
the sound of a sigh
Awake my sleeping spirit,
laughter the language
Of another one's cry

(c) 3 April 2015

Poem: Autistic - Second of 30 - NaPoWriMo

Hiding in shadows
The child begs understanding
And dreams acceptance
He speaks with wisdom
Yet no one knows his meaning
They seek their own words
Following old ways
They see disability
His path diverges
The world is changing
He will comprehend its needs
They fear not knowing
Moving from shadow
The boy demands acceptance
He will not be changed

(c)  2 April 2015

Poem: First of 30, 2015 National Poetry Month

Flowers in April
Harbingers of fresh new life
Young kittens mewling

(c) 1 April 2015