Saturday, February 24, 2018

Poem: Shooting Star

I'm sure I saw a shooting star
This morning to the West
I made a wish for excellence
That I could do my best
I closed my eyes and dreamed
A dream of Hope and inspiration
Prayed a prayer of safety for
The children of our nation
The shooting star burned bright
And fast like life upon this Earth
I stood a while in darkness and
Pondered on the worth
Of lives well-lived and voices heard
And hearts both brave and strong;
Gave thanks for those courageous ones
Who work to right the wrong
I'm sure I saw a shooting star
That arced across the sky
And left behind a rune of Hope
No need to question why

©2.22.18 Suzy Jacobson Cherry

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful rendering of a beautiful faith. Thanks for inspiring my spirit!
