Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Poem: Tea out of Season

Unexpected winds blow
Cold around the corners,
Rattling windows answer
Questions barked by
Neighbor dogs, confused
Coyotes howl empathetic, this
Night must bring disaster -
Though it brings no rain

I feel a chill upon my shoulders,
Awakening desire for warm
Tea out of season, and
Feet are ice cold to the bone
Pulling blankets to my chin,
I listen quietly to the sounds
Of Nature's Power as it whips
About my home, and smile,
For at my feet lay proof
That though the world be
All in tatters, with the love
And care of two little dogs
Nothing can bring me down
And indeed, all will be well
Yes, all will be well, and my
World will still be standing
When the night has passed

(c) 8 May 2015

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Poem: Eucharist - Thirty of 30 #NaPoWriMo

To pluck this grape, hold it aloft, pop
It into my mouth; to taste the juice
Seep into my soul; to reach out,

Open palmed, for bread: thick and
Delicious deliverer; chew, taste, swallow
Christ in me, alive in me, sweet Mystery

Where must I go from here?

Photo & Poem (c) 30 April 2015

Poem: Bucket List - Twenty-Nine of 30 #NaPoWriMo

The daydreams of another age
Refuse to remain packed
In dusty boxes in ancient attics

Hidden by the responsibilities
Of middle age and memories
A younger self packed and stacked
One upon the other, tightly.
We age; there is no escape
From spots and wattles
Deep set eyes and pouches
Placed from eye to hip, and
Bones that crunch with each step.
We age, and boxes fall,
Revealing dreams of yesteryear
Once remembered, nothing can
Squeeze them back in. Nothing
Can hide them. Revealed, they
Insist on attention: remember me!
What will we do? Make them come true?

Photo & Poem (c) 29 April 2015